QUALIFICATIONS:  Knowledge of secretarial duties and skills such as appropriate paperwork, use of office equipment and programs, ordering, meeting deadlines, operation and management of office, aware of legal aspects of job, handle receptionist duties, communicate effectively, capable of maintaining confidentiality, and take pride in the office appearance.


REPORTS TO:  Building Principal - Will work directly under the supervision of the Building Principal and in conjunction with the Assistant Principal, Counselor, and Nurse.


JOB GOAL:  To promote the safety of both students and staff in order to supports a secure educational environment.  To assist the administrators in the performance of their duties.  To supervise office operations and to facilitate the smooth inner operation of the school system.  To promote a positive school image and encourage harmonious relationships between community members, parents, students, and staff members in order to provide the best educational atmosphere possible.




Specific Duties:


  1. To promote a positive school image by courteously answering the telephone and the intercom, taking messages, and/or transferring calls, and greeting and assisting visitors.
  1. To create such forms, letters, and documents as may be needed or as directed to facilitate the gathering, disbursement, or processing of information.
  1. To supervise and/or assist in the collection and preparation of such reports and schedules as necessary for attendance, core data, school surveys, and the day-to-day operation of the school system.
  1. To promote harmony within the staff and between the community, staff, and the        administrators.  To advise the administrators, nurse, and/or counselor of situations, or  developing situations, which may directly impact student safety or campus harmony.
  1. To supervise and assist in the early release of students through proper channels.
  2. To assist in the initiation and implementation of emergency procedures accordind to school directives in the event of an emergency situation.
  1. To assist the administrators in the event of an early dismissal by correlating and monitoring the school release process and overseeing the establishment of secure destinations for students.
  1. To assist in covering for the nurse in the event of her absence due to both personal and medical reasons, during lunch break, and in the event of school screenings.  Administer medications and first aid.
  1. To assist in covering for the cafeteria clerk for the lunch shift upon her absence. 
  1. To supervise and assist in the mailing of free and reduced meal notification letters, maintain a current list of those students eligible for free or reduced meals, maintain a comprehensive record of forms processed, date notification sent, and monthly updates of additions and deletions to the master list.  Send a copy of the form to the high school if a high school student is listed on an approved form.
  1. Supervise and assist in the updating of inventory.
  2. To promote school safety by supervising and assisting in screening school visitors and  phone calls pertaining to students and their release, by delivering and/or transmitting  confidential information in written or verbal form as directed, and by conferring with school transportation officials.
  1. To supervise and assist in the enrollment process.  To verify and notarize enrollment papers, peruse enrollment forms and ascertain information, assign classrooms K-6 (contact principal if placement is questionable), contact nurse, counselor, assistant principal, and principal as warranted.  Contact transportation for bus assignment.  Send for student’s school records.  Separate forms, copy and distribute as needed.  Input student data on computer, fix cum card and file cum folder in classroom group.  Add new student to class lists and place forms in appropriate notebooks.
  1. Supervise and assist in the disbursement and collection of information forms, their copying, distribution to appropriate school personnel, compilation and verification of form receipts per student listings and in the maintenance of form logs.
  1. Supervise school start-up by putting away office supplies, revising forms, designating    homeroom teachers on computer, printing classroom lists, verifying all students including kindergarten and other new enrollees have been assigned to a classroom, sending out notice of open house, typing and/or composing a back-to-school letter, copying menus and monthly calendar of events, contact transportation and obtain bus assignments for all new students.  Change graduation year of retainees on computer.  Upgrade computer files to the current school year.
  1. Help in the distribution of orders, type purchase orders and order additional items as    directed, verify receipt of merchandise, process mail, forward invoices to central office, and troubleshoot problems with orders.  Order nameplates, holders, and flags as necessary for new staff members.  Order candy and pop for vending machines.
  1. Update names on mailboxes.  Fix notebooks for payroll, class lists, office copies of media release and emergency dismissal forms, budget book, student enrollment log, student transfer log, attendance reports, and phone logs; cross reference and verify logs with class lists.  Label and disburse folders for teacher’s copies of media and emergency release forms. Disburse plan and grade books.  Corroborate on manner in which attendance will be handled (i.e. absences reported/picked up).
  1. Kindergarten pre-enrollment, screening and enrollment:  Verify that all students pre-    enrolled have a reminder card ready to send with dates and items needed indicated on card. Separate pre-enrollment files into day and order of screening appointments.  Copy list of appointments for special services director, nurse, and screening greeter.  Make appoint-ments and complete paperwork for pre-kindergartners who missed pre-enrollment.  Keep a list of students screened and contact transportation to obtain bus numbers.  Make a master list for each kindergarten teacher telling of bus assignments for his/her students and which students walk or will be picked up.  Separate files according to class lists, fix cum cards, separate, copy and disburse forms, input student data on computer.
  1. To assist in student withdrawal by delivering withdrawal sheets to teachers.  Verify all    current information pertaining to grades and attendance is on cum card.  Copy cum folder. Contact counselor for special education and confidential records.  Contact vice-principal for Discipline records.  Mail all records.
  1. Keep a copy of correspondence between the office and home and the office and staff for use as a future reference and for MSIP review.
  1. Obtain substitutes as directed by the principal or in his/her absence.
  2. Keep payroll records on all employees.  Keep a record of all substitutes.  Compile payroll records each month, obtain principal’s signature, copy and send to central office.
  1. Type purchase orders and send to central office each month.
  2. Correlate, run labels and mail deficiency slips each quarter.
  3. Verify activity deposits, roll money, deposit, code deposit slips and send them to central office.
  1. Revise class supplies lists per teacher instructions and mail or deliver to area stores in time for fall class supply purchases.
  1. Type calendar of events and/or menus for each month as needed.
  2. Fix cash boxes for various fundraisers and school activities.  Roll money, verify and code deposits.
  1. Upgrade student information on computer and cum cards each year via registration cards. Attempt to obtain missing information pertinent to student safety or computer use (i.e., Social security number, phone number, correct mailing address, etc.).
  1. Fix schedules and call classes for school and group activities.
  2. Copy forms for teachers, send out memos, and supervise and assist in the updating of  inventory.
  1. Supervise mass mailings.
  2. Assist principal in the ordering of textbooks and supplies for the coming year.  Verify    orders are made out correctly.  Check with used textbook company on availability of needed materials.  Type purchase orders.  Input supply orders on the computer Order Management System, print out orders by individual and budget code, after principal approval, type purchase order for total of order, transfer order to disk, send disk and order.
  1. Transfer eighth grade computer files to a disk and send them to the high school.  Verify that eighth grade student grades and attendance are on cum records and send cum folders to the high school.
  1. Perform such jobs or activities as may become necessary during the school day to help  ensure the smooth operation of the school system.
  1. Perform such jobs or duties as may be assigned by administrative supervisors.


TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT:  Ten months per year.  Salary to be arranged by the Superintendent and the Board of Education.  Daily hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. with 30 minutes for lunch.


EVALUATION:  Performance evaluated annually by the Building Principal in accordance with Board of Education regulations.